Thursday, March 7, 2013

Reading, MA group Collecting for the Maine Mitten Project

It has recently come to my attention that member and member of the Ravelry Maine Mitten Project group, Mary Ines of N Reading, MA is collecting hand mades at her church for us. Turns out she has family in the Fryeburg area and visits there often. She plans to collect completed work and drop them off at our drop location, Close Knit Sisters in N Conway, when she comes to town.

She has so far collected work from:

Alice Webb and Martha Wishart of Reading, MA.

Thank you ladies!

Mary is planning to send some photos to post when she has a chance.
Anyone out there in the Reading, MA area is welcome to drop off there:

Mary/ The Maine Mitten Project
The Church of Good Shepherd
95 Woburn St
Reading, MA01867

OR send to our S Portland, ME mail to address in the right column of this page.

Thanks for your efforts Mary! We'll look forward to your pictures!